August 26, 2010

Vintage Treasures~ The Church of Vintage

Some of the many reasons I love owning a shop on Etsy is the instant friends made through networking and the wealth of vintage treasures lurking in every vintage shop.  This week, I loved finding out more about The Church of Vintage, who owns a brick & mortar shop along with an Etsy shop, while raising twins!  She has an insane amount of vintage clothing and knowledge and I hope you like the feature! Here's Polly!

Why did you start an Etsy vintage shop?
I started it as an extension of my brick and mortar store and an opportunity to promote it.

I opened the Etsy shop a few months before the brick and mortar in August of '08 but didn't start selling full time on Etsy until May/June of '09.

The Church of Vintage

What is your favorite vintage era?
I'm partial to clothing that evoke a romantic feeling, so I find a lot of my favorite pieces are from the 1930s and earlier. I also am fascinated by fashion during the Depression Era and WWII; even during trying times, women still managed to maintain a high fashion standard.

What is the most favorite vintage item you own?
I have an oversized sculpted wine colored faille and velvet clutch w/ carved lucite catch that will have to be pryed from my cold dead hands. My mother's sweater from the 70s and a blue glass festoon necklace from the turn of the century are treasures that I will never sell.

Which item is your favorite in the shop right now?
This Dress!:

What type of music do you listen to while listing? If you don’t listen to music while listing, what do you like in general?
 I love music, so much so it's distracting for me. I get hyper, the babes get hyper, and before I know it, nothing is getting done. When I "work" I listen to language tapes, "Te amo ropa vintage!"

A few things I listen to as listed on my ipod: Pixies, The Decemberists, Neutral Milk Hotel, Devendra Banhart, Francoise Hardy, France Gall, Louie Prima, Beck, Nouveau Vague, Pogues, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Paolo Conte...the list could go on forever.

What is your favorite go to snack?
My snacking tendencies are a bit bipolar at the moment... my diet generally leans towards natural and basic, but put any type of pastry in front of me and I lose it, brownies in particular. Refined sugar is the monkey on my back and every now and again the "monkey" brings Funyons too:) BUT for the most part my snacking is pretty boring and consists of raw almonds, fruit or hummus.

Do you have a source of caffeine or energy?
Methamphetamine for me and pot cookies for the babes (SO KIDDING, I do not do meth)
(Me: LOL! Wait, you haven't denied the pot cookies for the babes...)

Going to bed early enough to allow my body to wake up when it's ready and not forced, eating a proper breakfast, morning exercise that usually consists of some sort of cardio or yoga. I don't drink coffee, but I do drink green tea or yerba mate on occasion. And I try and lay off dairy and pasta during lunchtime; those foods make me want to nap.

Is Etsy a job or a hobby?
What I do on Etsy was born from a hobby. But by far it's not a hobby anymore for me, it's a career. I do hope one day to be in a position where I can transition it back to being a hobby because I really would prefer to keep all of it:)

Isn't it yum?

Is there an item you sold that was hard to let go?
All of it is hard to let go! But this piece was particularly hard:
Vintage Roger Van S. Leather Bucket Purse with Brass Horse Closure

and a dead stock 1950s Ceil Chapman gown. Since then I have learned to be way more selfish and unapologetic about keeping things:)

5 words to describe yourself:
I had my husband answer this one:
1. creative,
2. a pillow thief,
3. sexy,
4. caucasian,
5. particular (I think he is implying I'm anal, he wishes!)

Me: I can't believe you said number 5..hahaha.

Finally, since you're a veteran Etsyan, what advice would you give to sellers, particularly new ones?
>Great photos is a biggie, it's your best marketing tool.


>Update regularly.

>Be yourself and stand out, the most successful shops are so because they do their own thing. If everyone tries to conform to one "model" you end up getting lost in the crowd.
Hope you liked the feature.  Polly is such a professional and a great Etsy friend to have!  You can also find her on her blog, where she has even more insights and hilarious commentary, while being serious too.


  1. This was such a sweet and informative post! Love your blog!

  2. I'm so flattered you asked me to do this, it was a lot of fun! Thanks again for the feature!
