February 18, 2013

A Peek Into My Morning

I'm borrowing this idea from Bleubird Blog.  However, mine will not chronicle the entire day, but just my mornings. All pictures were taken with my iphone. What are your mornings like?

A Picture An Hour

8 am

Planning the week ahead during breakfast with the kids 
Finishing up a little snack before we go out. (yes, my kids snack right after breakfast. haha.)

10 am
My dry cleaning guy keeps a pet chameleon in his shop.  My son loves going with me to the dry cleaners so he can see it!

11 am
My kids love the book section when we go thrifting.

One of my favorite corners at one of my favorite thrift shops.
12 pm
Story time before nap/quiet time.  Can you guess which book this is?
1 pm
Waiting for the right sunlight to start photographing items for the shop!

The first is having some quiet time playing in his room right now and the 2nd one is still napping.  After that, it gets too crazy and tiring for me to even attempt to photograph.