March 12, 2012

Every Mother Needs A Little Time Away

I've been MIA and these are little snippets of what I've been up to:

taking my kids to the park to feed the ducks
pushing my rapidly growing kids on the swing

I don't know if this one enjoyed it that much.  It was her first time.

watching season 1 of this AMAZING and addicting show. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

watching this silly little romantic comedy- mindless but entertaining show and a good way to wind down the day.

My Palm Springs weekend getaway extended to a two week furlough from the shop.  I don't regret it.  I've definitely lost followers of this blog and the views to my shop have dramatically dropped (although sales haven't since the entire shop is on sale right now), yet I'm okay.  You probably can't tell by my little summary of what I did while I was MIA, but I felt the last two weeks were productive because I really spent some quality time with the kids and finally got some cleaning and organizing done around the house that I've been meaning to do for at least a year!  I also read more to my kids and I've been teaching Jonah how to read.  He can sound out simple 3 letter words for now. I'm proud of him.

Also, life has been hectic ever since this little one's started to crawl.  Can you tell she likes her new found freedom?

I watched more tv than I have in the last year, also.  I don't think I will be doing that again, but I don't feel guilty spending a week to do some mindless tv watching at the end of a crazy day.  Moms will understand, but it's okay to veg at the end of the day.  It's deserved.

I have NOT been listing items or taking pictures for the shop.  But, that all changes this week.  I'm back to blogging and I'm back to working on the shop diligently to prepare for my hubs birthday coming up and to hopefully plan a trip back up to Norcal to visit my parents.  So, look for some shop updates and hello again!


  1. Everyone needs some time out now and again. More so when you have a couple of growing bundles of joy! :)

    Sounds like your time out was very well spent!

  2. Yes, what Teresa said! Besides--Downton Abbey? That's time *very* well spent. It's practically research, really. ;)

  3. haha. thanks ladies! and karen, totally agree!
