October 10, 2011

Mommy Monday: I Love Happy Babies

Every day of motherhood gets better!  I love my children, and yes, there are some days when the two of them drive me crazy, but my love for them grows each day.  I can't help but crack a huge smile when I see my little daughter laugh at herself when she looks in the mirror.  She probably has no idea that the image is of herself, but she smiles and laughs hysterically!

I feel extremely blessed to have two healthy, happy babies and so even though sales are down in the shop and finances are a bit stressful, I need to remember the good things and thank God every day for such wonderful gifts!

2 things I realized looking at these pictures:
1. My room/work space is quite messy.
2.  My walls are very bare.  I have this fear that things will fall on my head while I'm sleeping if there was an earthquake. What? I live in CA.


  1. You have a really cuuutee baby, I love her cheeks. Yeah, God is good, he will see us through every situation Have a wonderful week!


  2. Sooooo cute!!! oh how I miss cuddling with my son when he was that size! She looks like such a happy baby too!
